[Step by Step Guide] How to Pass CCNA in First Attempt - WHYTE DIGITALS



Tuesday 3 April 2018

[Step by Step Guide] How to Pass CCNA in First Attempt

imedita cisco tracks

Networking is that technology which has changed the complete face of the world by bringing everyone and everything together. This technology made the biggest impact and has changed many lives in different ways possible.
When an aspirant plans to put a foot forward into this field, CCNA is that one certification he needs to earn to push his career forward. CCNA stands for Cisco Certified Network Associate. It is one of associate level certification of Cisco that lays the foundation of Networking for any Networking aspirant.
Cisco, being a giant of Networking Industry has catered to organizations demands of skilled Networkers by bringing its own certifications into the market. The skills and logics of the Networker can be checked by his/ her certification since Cisco Certifications are one of the most trusted certification. Why? Unlike other certifications; they are difficult to earn and they have set a benchmark in terms of quality.
There are 10 Cisco certifications of Associate level in different domains; Routing and Switching, Collaboration, Security, Data Center, Cyber Ops, Service Provider, Industrial, Cloud, Design, and Wireless. Routing and Switching being the most basic of them.

imedita cisco tracks

CCNA Certified Associates are those networkers who have laid the foundation of networking in their respective domains. Are you planning to start your career in networking domain then you may need to check details about CCNA training.

CCNA Routing and Switching295 USD
Other CCNA250 USD
Seemingly easy to look forward to, CCNA Certifications are not that easy. After resolving doubts of many, we have decided to help everyone out by giving tips on How to pass CCNA Exam easy way.

7 Amazing tips and tricks to pass the Cisco CCNA examination?

  1. Look for the practice questions on web
There are plenty of practice questions on CCNA available on web in every domain. Do some research and practice on them. This will help you in many things. For instance, you can formulate the concepts into questions. You get to know what all is needed to answer the question and how much you need to write.
This will also help you in learning the concepts and who knows, your luck might shine and the questions repeat itself.
  1. Lab Practice
In the world of Networking, nothing can be learned without practicing in Lab. There is only one Mantra to be a good Networker. That is, Study à Lab à Learn and repeat.

Nothing can beat this. For every topic you read, for every concept you understand; it cannot be learned until you practice it in your Cisco training Lab on real Cisco devices. It is impossible to do Networking without its practical approach as every concept needs to be understood to remember.
Every CCNA Certification requires 1 to 2 hour of rigorous hands-on session on real Cisco devices.
  1. Reading Material
Yes, there is plenty of material available on the web from where you can learn about CCNA and its concepts. But nothing can beat Cisco Press books and your handwritten notes from your training classes.
Different books lead you to spend more time on reading and understanding rather than learning and practicing. Having one reliable source makes the entire process easy. Your handwritten notes will let you revise everything and make a picture in your mind which will help you in learning the concepts.
You can always expand your learning by adapting to new books and new process. But, make sure not to waste your time in collecting them and not reading them.
  1. Glossary in books
Do read glossaries in books. These points and their definitions will help you in a great deal in answering questions in CCNA Examination. They make the understanding of each question much easier.
  1. Exam Formats
Look for CCNA Exam formats online. These formats have the entire CCNA examination Paper saying how much percentage of questions will weigh for each topic, how much percentage of questions from sub-topics, etc. The entire format is given in detail.
These formats will plan your preparation and help you understand that how much time you need to spend on each topic while preparing yourself for the examination. What all topics you need to learn by heart and what all topics you can ignore (though we don’t suggest this). Mainly, this gives you a plan of action.
  1. Mocks tests and Simulation Practice
Attempt for mock tests online. There are many websites on web where you can examine yourself for CCNA Certification. Why and How can this help?
This will help you understand how well you can prepare in time-tested situation. Can you complete your examination on time or are you lagging behind? Also, this will give you a glimpse of how a real-time Cisco Examination would be like and you can prepare accordingly.
Simulation practice is highly essential for Cisco Examination as the majority of the questions will come for simulations only.
  1. Most Important Topics
Networking is a vast field that covers everything, but there are few topics which need to be on tips of Networking aspirants to clear Cisco CCNA Certification. These concepts include TCP/ IP Model, OSI Model, different protocols and Data Flow.
The majority of the examination will be covered from these topics only. So, it would be intelligent to keep them in the priority of your learning list.
These points will help you pass CCNA Exam easy way. But don’t forget that hard work and dedication give sweet fruits as well. Put them as much as you can.
Cisco CCNA Examinations are not difficult examinations to clear if you put your heart to it. All it needs are meticulous efforts and lucrative study.

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