How to Disable True Tone on MacBook Pro Display - WHYTE DIGITALS



Sunday 9 September 2018

How to Disable True Tone on MacBook Pro Display

How to disable True Tone on Mac Display

The latest MacBook Pro models include True Tone capable displays which automatically adjust the screen colors to resemble external ambient lighting conditions. This feature can make the screen appearance more pleasing to the eye in some lighting situations, but if you require color accuracy for your work, you may find the True Tone feature to be a hindrance to your workflow, and thus you may want to disable True Tone on the MacBook Pro.
Quickly, it’s important to note that True Tone is a different feature from Night Shift, which has similar effects on color hue, but Night Shift warms the display only in the evening and night time hours, whereas True Tone will adjust the display hue and colors all day long in any lighting conditions. Additionally, Night Shift is software only, whereas True Tone works by detecting ambient lighting conditions and then adjusting the onscreen colors of the display to be more consistent with ambient lighting, typically making the screen hue more warm or cold as it shifts depending on.

How to Turn Off True Tone on MacBook Pro

If your MacBook Pro has a True Tone capable display, here is how to turn off that feature so that the screen colors are always consistent no matter the ambient lighting conditions:
  1. Go to the  Apple menu and choose “System Preferences”
  2. Go to the “Displays” preference panel and choose the “Display” tab
  3. Uncheck the box next to “True Tone” to disable True Tone on the Mac
Disable True Tone on Mac display

  1. Close out of System Preferences as usual
If you disable True Tone the effects are immediate, and if the feature is currently active it will disable and the colors will shift back to their default state.
Of course you can reverse this decision at any time and re-enable True Tone on the display by toggling that setting back on again.
If you’re going to disable True Tone but want to have the screen colors to be softer on the eyes in the evenings and night times only, using Night Shift on the Mac is highly recommended on a schedule. It’s important to remember that Night Shift should be temporarily disabled for any color accurate work requirements as well.
While True Tone is a new feature to only certain model MacBook Pro machines (the 2018 hardware release and onward), it’s likely to expand further into the Mac lineup, and the feature also exists on some devices in the iOS world, including the iPhone and iPad Pro. Similarly, many users who require color accuracy on those devices may want to disable True Tone on iPhone and disable True Tone on iPad as well. Again, True Tone is hardware specific even in iOS, but Night Shift in iOS is available for every iPhone or iPad model and can be set on a schedule too.
Whether or not you like or use True Tone is probably going to depend on your particular work. Many casual users likely won’t even notice True Tone and thus will keep it on, and perhaps many Mac users who mostly work with text environments will find it to be most useful. However for Mac users who require color accuracy for their work, typically for design, photo editing, video editing, and other similar multimedia activity, disabling True Tone is likely going to be a necessity so that they can maintain an accurate color profile of their work.
Do you use True Tone on the Mac? Did you disable True Tone for Mac for color accuracy reasons, or for another reason? Let us know in the comments!

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