5 Ways To Improve Security Of Cloud Computing - WHYTE DIGITALS



Sunday 3 June 2018

5 Ways To Improve Security Of Cloud Computing

5 Ways To Improve Security Of Cloud Computing

If you want to strengthen your IT infrastructure, you need to adopt the most secure cloud computing services. The quality, reliability and security of the cloud computing services are the leading concerns for IT professionals. As they manage a ton of sensitive data, it becomes essential for them to choose a cloud service that can offer the secure environment for their databases.
When it comes to the security of your hosting environment, then choosing public cloud services is not an ideal decision. It offers server instances for multiple clients on the same hardware, so there is a good chance that you could lose all your data – as there is very little control over where your data stores.
On the other side, Private Cloud Computing gives you the complete control over your data and hence, most of the IT professional choose private cloud computing for hosting their site. To further improve the security of the cloud computing, I bring you the 5 security tips that will give you the desired results:
  1. Know the location of your data

You should always know that where your data stores. If you want to secure your data, you need to find out where your data is. Of course, firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention will prevent your data against hackers and other security threats, but how do you come to know where your data goes when you terminate your service. By detecting the location of your data, you can secure your data effectively.
  1. Regularly backup your data

Always keep a backup of your data on a regular basis. This is one of the vital steps that can keep your data safe if something disastrous happens to your site. However, most of the people overlook this aspect of cloud computing and then end up with stressful situations. So, try to backup your data on the regular intervals and enjoy your cloud computing service.
  1. Take references

When you feel like you are in doubt, immediately ask your cloud service provider for some client references regarding the requirement of stringent security measures. You can take references from healthcare, government, financial or insurance organizations. But always remember that references don’t guarantee any particular aspect. You may need to decide yourself if you want a secure environment for your IT databases.
  1. Cross- check the Security of your data center

Ensure that your data center takes the security of your databases seriously. After knowing the exact location of your stored data, you can examine them for all relevant security measures that are in place. You can make sure whether they are SSAE 16, SOC 2 and SAS 70 audited or not, and see if they have clients that are PCI or HIPPA certified.
To an addition, Managed services can help you provide a ton of additional advantages that can make your apps, data, and business more reliable. There are services such as managed firewalls, intrusion detection, antivirus offered by trusted data center or cloud providers that can give you a more safe and secure environment.
  1. Run a test

Run a test to make sure whether your data center has a secure environment or not. In fact, most of the highly data-sensitive companies hire a professional ethical hacker to test their security measures. So, scan and test the environment where your data is stored and further enhance the security if you find something suspicious during the test.


These are the five helpful tips that can improve the security of your cloud computing services and you can store your data in safe and secure cloud environment, without any worry.

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