How to organize your Apple Watch Dock for maximum productivity - WHYTE DIGITALS



Monday 25 June 2018

How to organize your Apple Watch Dock for maximum productivity

Apple Watch Productivity

Your Apple Watch is more than just a time piece. It’s a wonderful tool for receiving texts, checking emails, getting event alerts, and so much more when you’re on the go. And, along with all of those cool apps that let us do things with our Watch, comes a built-in feature that makes it even better; the Dock.
The Apple Watch Dock is a spot to quickly get to those apps you need and use the most. But, have you really spent time deciding which apps should go there and how they should be arranged? Here are some suggestions for making the most out of the Dock.

Do you use your Apple Watch more for business or pleasure?

Some people find that their Apple Watch is a huge help for their business life. From receiving important emails to reminders for meetings, it can be more effective than an iPhone because of those simple taps.
But, there are others who use their Apple Watch for more personal reasons. Maybe it’s for heart rate alerts or a quick game while standing in line at the supermarket.
Knowing the primary purpose for owning that Apple Watch is key to which apps you should put in your Dock.

What can your Complications accomplish?

The Complications on your Apple Watch are also very convenient. They can give you information at a glance without the need for opening an app.
For instance, you may have a weather Complication. This lets you see the current temperature or conditions quickly. With this in mind, you might not ever open the actual weather app and just use the Complication to get what you need.

Apple Watch Face Complications

As another example, you may use the calendar as a Complication to show your next appointment. You might only care to see that next event rather than your entire day by opening the calendar app.
If a Complication can give you the details you need without opening an app, then it’s likely that app doesn’t need to be in your Dock. In addition, you can easily tap a Complication from the face to open it anyway.

Which Apple Watch apps do you open the most?

So, with Complications in mind, when you strap on your Apple Watch, which apps do you actually open first and open the most? These are the apps you should put in the Dock.
Let’s say each morning while you’re waiting for your daily meeting to begin, you open the following apps. You browse messages in your email app, review your tasks in your to-do app, look over your calendar app, and check the stocks app. It makes sense to add each of those apps to your Dock and in that order.

Emails Tasks Calendar Apple Watch

Or, maybe the first thing you do is look at the news, then check your reminders, browse your emails, and then head back to your desk and start your time tracking app. Put those apps in your Dock in that order.

News Reminders Mail Apple Watch

Once you have your Dock set up with those apps you open first and the most, you’ll rarely have to open all apps and scroll the list or move around the honeycomb for those you really need.

Rearranging the apps in your Dock

It’s very simple to add, remove, and rearrange the apps in your Apple Watch Dock. Just keep in mind, that there is a limit of 10 apps that you can put there.
1) Open the Watch app on your iPhone.
2) Scroll down to and tap Dock.
3) Make sure Favorites is selected. This lets you choose the apps you want while Recent will show the apps you have recently used.
4) Tap Edit in the top right corner.
Those apps already in your Dock appear at the top of the list. Tap the red minus sign to remove those you don’t want and the green plus sign for those at the bottom you want to add.
To arrange them in order, tap and hold the three-line icon on the right and drag the app to its new locations in the list.
When you finish, tap Done at the top and your Dock will immediately reflect the changes.

Rearrange Apple Watch Dock

Productive Dock, productive you

Just like arranging the apps on the main screen of your iPhone, arranging the apps in your Apple Watch Dock helps you get what you need faster and easier. Don’t fumble around for those apps you use the most, pop them in the Dock and they’re a tap away.
How do you arrange your Apple Watch Dock?

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