Hands-on: Google Pixel 2 XL versus iPhone X multitasking [Video] - WHYTE DIGITALS



Friday 18 May 2018

Hands-on: Google Pixel 2 XL versus iPhone X multitasking [Video]

I recently got my hands on a Google Pixel 2 XL, primarily because I’ve long planned on migrating my business line from Google Voice to a standalone phone, and figured an Android phone would give me a good opportunity to catch me up on the platform’s features. As you may have heard, the latest developer beta for Android was just released, called Android P, and Google makes it super easy to enroll and install the beta on a select few Android phones.
One of the things that I found interesting about Android P is its updated multitasking interface. The interface works similarly to the iPhone X, in that swipe gestures can be used to invoke the app switcher. Although Android P is still in beta, I wanted to showcase how some of the Pixel XL 2’s multitasking features stack up against the iPhone X. Watch our hands-on video walkthrough for more.

Invoking the app switcher

Invoking the app switcher on the Google Pixel is similar to the iPhone X, as it requires a swipe-up gesture from the bottom of the display. The mechanics are slightly different, but the end result is the same.
Swiping through apps is similar as well, as all of your running apps are displayed via a familiar card interface. Animations on the Pixel 2 XL aren’t as smooth as the iPhone X, which should come as no surprise. The lack of rubber-banding still makes a big difference when it comes to animations, but beyond that I found the animations to be a little jerky on the Pixel 2 XL. Granted, it’s running a developer beta (so is the iPhone X), but I’ve always found this to be one of Android’s key weaknesses from a visual interaction perspective.

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Video walkthrough

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