Watch out! Android Oreo 8.1 Developer Preview Now Available - WHYTE DIGITALS



Tuesday 9 January 2018

Watch out! Android Oreo 8.1 Developer Preview Now Available

Image result for Oreo 8.1

Google has released the most recent developer preview of Android Oreo. Version 8.1 will be available in December, however, Android Beta clients can test it now. Anybody can likewise download and install the system images with an opened bootloader. The Beta Program issues these updates over the air, in spite of the fact that the designer preview is just compatible with the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel C, Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, and Pixel 2 XL.

Clearly, you’re very much aware of Android Oreo’s new features. The new version expands on some of those emphases. It tests another change to notifications in which applications can just notify you to sound alert once every second. But, all the more essential, it contains an Easter egg: the Android Oreo logo now resembles a cookie.

Whatever is left of the update likely won’t affect users much by any stretch of the imagination, yet 8.1 is in the long run expected to initiate the hidden Pixel Visual Core framework on-a-chip. The picture processor is incorporated with both new Pixel telephones, yet stays lethargic. Google says it’ll actuate it in the coming a very long time to make picture preparing smoother. It would likewise make HDR+ accessible to third-party developers.

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