4 Killer Tips for Using Social Media to Promote Your Brand - WHYTE DIGITALS



Sunday 7 January 2018

4 Killer Tips for Using Social Media to Promote Your Brand

Online business branding

No matter what kind of products or services you have to offer, you’ll hardly manage to keep your business afloat if you don’t develop a strong brand. Not so long ago, having a strong brand meant you need a business name and logo everyone are going to remember. Still, things are a bit different now when internet has become one of the most important aspects of our everyday life. Besides a name and a logo, you now need a well-thought social media presence if you want your brand to succeed. So, if you’re wondering how to use social media to promote your brand, make sure you check out our 4 killer tips.

Choose the right platforms
One of the most important things you’ll have to do when using social media to promote your brand is choose the platforms you’ll be relying on. Of course, you’ve heard about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and similar platforms, but which of them should you go for? Entrepreneurs who try to use all the platforms available usually end up failing so choosing a few of them you’ll focus on is a good idea. Facebook is the biggest social media platform right now, with about 2 billion active monthly users and you simply need to have an account on it. However, some other options depend on what kind of work you do. For example, if you’re running a B2B company, having a LinkedIn account will be crucial for your business but if your customers are young adults, using a platform like Instagram is a much better idea.

Don’t overwhelm your audience
No matter which social media platform you’ve opted for, it’ll be your responsibility to share interesting content that’ll help you start conversations with your customers. The problem is there’s just too many entrepreneurs who start a Facebook or Instagram page for their business and share absolutely everything they can. This only gets them labelled as “spammers” which definitely won’t do any good for your brand. So, try not to follow their example and only share content you believe your customers will find interesting. In most of the cases, news about your company and interesting article about the industry you’re in are going to be your safest bet. Just make sure you keep improving the content you share and you’re going to see bad results.

Track your marketing efforts
One of the best things about promoting your business on social media is that you can easily track all of your efforts. All you need to do is turn to a company that offers social media monitoring and have their experts help you out. People at these companies will be able to provide information that will tell you how all of your content on social media has been received. This is great for many reasons. First of all, you’ll figure out how much every aspect of your marketing efforts is paying off and you’ll be able to tell what kind of changes you need to make in order to make the most of your social media marketing efforts. For example, the result may show that you need to rely more on Instagram than you do on Facebook.

Start working with influencers
There’s no need to say that social media influencers are a huge trend right now. These are people who have already reached the audience you want to reach. Not only that but their audience trusts them and is willing to listen to any recommendations they might make. Therefore, having a few of the influencers mention your brand to their followers can really do wonders for your brand. Just make sure you choose which influencers you’ll turn to very carefully. It’s always a good idea to have an influencer whose audience might be interested in what your brand has to offer. What’s so great about working with influencers is that you usually won’t have to break the bank in order to have them promote your brand. In most of the cases, all you’ll have to do is offer them your products or services for free.

The 4 tips we’ve given above should help you improve your social media presence and bring your brand closer to consumers. And the more loyal followers your brand has, the better will your business do in general.

Dan Radak is a marketing professional with eleven years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.

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